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Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.




Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
Becoming a Peer Mentor - Peer Mentor Pack for Students

Becoming a Peer Mentor - Peer Mentor Pack for Students

Do you have Peer mentors or Peer Mediators in your school…If not, then why not? Peer Mentors can offer another layer of support for your Pastoral System in any educational setting; You will find that if the Mentors/Mediators become embedded as part of your Pastoral System, then other students will generally respond very well to them. If students are trained correctly and they are given the responsibility and trust to work with younger students they can become an invaluable team in your school. This support pack offers guidance and advice for your Mentors/Mediators as they move forward in their role; it gives advice on how to run a meeting, it identifies key questions to ask and key words to use alongside tips on problem solving. I wrote this resource once I had trained up the Mentors in my Centre and they commented it gave them useful support in their role.
Behaviour Support Programme 1  Getting Along With Others

Behaviour Support Programme 1 Getting Along With Others

This is Part 1 of 3 Behaviour Support Programmes. The BSP 1 is a module of work that can be used with students who are unable to demonstrate effective social skills and frequently allow their emotions to get the better of them, often demonstrating bouts of anger and increased emotion. The module is best suited to be delivered by a Mentor or Behaviour Coach in a 1-1 or small group environment. It consists of between 4-6 lessons and contains all appropriate worksheets and lesson guidance.
Coaching Basics

Coaching Basics

Having introduced a Coaching Programme for my team of teachers and support staff, I was able to witness at first hand the benefits of such a system. This resource includes both the teacher reflection sheet and observers recording sheet that can be used by staff involved in the Coaching Programme. The sheets can be adapted for use by teachers or indeed support staff.
Careers Education Bundle - Linked to Gatsby Expectations

Careers Education Bundle - Linked to Gatsby Expectations

10 Resources
Careers Bundle Updated. An excellent Bundle that has recently been updated - all of the resources support the development of an effective Careers Programme across KS3-KS5 I have updated this bundle to include: The new World of Work and Jobs module for either Year 7 or 8 A Year 9 Transition Booklet with a focus on next steps in Year 10 A review template to help students think about their career aspirations The Bundle also contains: Student reflection sheets for Work Experience and Work Related Learning. An extensive student booklet that guides them into producing a ‘Careers Statement’ that will prove useful when applying for jobs and College courses. A Careers module self-assessment sheet A mini module focused on preparing for an interview that can be incorporated into PSHE/Careers lessons. A Career Action Plan for students
Strategic Improvement of Attendance(Updated for September 2020)

Strategic Improvement of Attendance(Updated for September 2020)

An extensive resource that will support you in making wholesale improvements to levels of absence across your school. More than ever and especially from September when it is hoped that all students can return to school safely, the monitoring and tracking of attendance and student absence, becomes a key priority for Senior Leaders and Pastoral Staff. Having been a Deputy Head in a school which fell into SM because of poor attendance, I have hands on experience of what it takes to change the culture of school attendance which must include students and all stakeholders across the school. This pack is focused on sharing… A whole school Improvement Plan for Attendance - one I actually devised as part of our HMI monitoring. A whole school 12 page document on actions required to change the culture of attendance across your school, which I had written as part of my work when we were in SM. The document identifies the individual responsibilities of all staff, from form tutors through to senior leaders and Administrative support, to help raise the profile of improving levels of student absence. A Review document to work alongside your Action Plan to identify the evidence of improvement - real life examples added for you to use. This pack will compliment my other resource called Monitoring and Tracking School Attendance-Post Lockdown.
Interview Questions - Questions and Desired Responses for School Jobs

Interview Questions - Questions and Desired Responses for School Jobs

Are you involved in organising interviews and need a range of appropriate questions for the candidates - then look no further. This extensive resource provides a range of questions and desired responses for a number of different roles in schools… Senior Leaders/AHT Pastoral Roles including Learning Coach/Behaviour Coach Vocational teachers LSA/HLTA/Lead TA role School Council questions I have also added an additional 'General Questions and Desired Responses resource that will provide appropriate questions for a diverse number of job roles in a school environment.
Exploring the process of Differentiation in your provision

Exploring the process of Differentiation in your provision

This resource consists of a presentation that I wrote and delivered on Differentiation for staff training. The slides explain clearly what differentiation is, how it links to effective learning for all students and the keys ways to differentiate in the classroom. The presentation can be paused at regular intervals so that staff can discuss the points raised. It formed part of a whole morning training session and so what would be required after the delivery of the Power Point, is an opportunity for colleagues to explore the process of differentiation/ideas in their subject or departmental teams.
Tracking Part-time Timetable Provision. Student Pathway Sheet

Tracking Part-time Timetable Provision. Student Pathway Sheet

Pastoral Leaders use Part time provision for exceptional circumstances often where there is a complete breakdown in school discipline or where the reduced provision will benefit the health and wellbeing of the student. Such provision needs tracking and auditing; this resource provides you with a visual week by week tracker that identifies student targets and incentives during the reduced provision, that can be used as ongoing evidence for the review process at the end of the agreed time. This exemplar tracker is set up for a 4 week Programme but it can be adapted to suit student needs - the document can be referred to when staff need to discuss behaviour and the targets with the student. I also include a recording sheet with this resource.
Assembly Planner and Thought for the Day - Whole Year model

Assembly Planner and Thought for the Day - Whole Year model

This is a Year Planner for Assembly Themes (Highlighted in Red on a Monday) and Thought for the Day (For each day during the school year). Although this is one I wrote for the last school year (Dates on Calendar will be for 2019/2020) it will still provide some creative ideas for assembly themes and thoughts for the day that can be further developed by your tutors or teachers of PSHE. It is all perfectly laid out on a calendar style template.
New Student Welcome Booklet

New Student Welcome Booklet

Do you have an induction process for a new student? If so, this resource will help your colleagues get to know them a little better, especially useful in AP where new students may be a little nervous about sharing information; this mini booklet asks some gentle questions to help the colleague inducting the student to collate useful information and encourage discussion.
Behaviour Support Packs 1/2/3

Behaviour Support Packs 1/2/3

5 Resources
Buy the three Behaviour Support Packs that compliment each other well and save three pounds. Behaviour Support Pack 1 - Getting Along with Others Behaviour Support Pack 2 - Improving Behaviour through reflection and positive action Behaviour Support Pack 3 - Exclusions and Me **Bonus **- I have added: The IBP as this is a great way to monitor and support individual student behaviour. Using appropriate language when dealing with student behaviour All of my packs have been written for class work and 1-1 situations and have been used widely in the provision where I was a Head; with proven results.
Headteacher Application Letter - Special Education

Headteacher Application Letter - Special Education

This letter template is based on my previously well used Headteacher letter template that I used for applying for HT jobs; this one is specifically focused on roles for Headteacher/SLT positions in Special Education and Alternative Provision and gives examples of the kind of evidence you may need to provide that helps to catch the eye of prospective employers. I did indeed get an interview using this letter and ultimately got the job, which was my last substantive post before retirement.
Careers Self-Assessment

Careers Self-Assessment

A useful Self-Assessment sheet that can be used in Careers lessons to track personal skills and work completed during the careers module: Can be adapted to a range of different subjects where it will prove to be a useful end of module/topic self-assessment record for the student and the teacher
Developing Whole School Code of Conduct

Developing Whole School Code of Conduct

This is an extensive list of statements that were developed to support staff and students (Student Voice) in formulating a new whole school Code of Conduct. After the brainstorm of statements comes well written examples that may be an ideal fit for your schools. The statements are split into sections that include: Classroom Code of Conduct Corridor Behaviour Developing Positive Relationships Conduct during Break and Lunch Time Conduct in the Community
Developing Effective Learning to Enhance Student Outcomes - a PowerPoint for staff training

Developing Effective Learning to Enhance Student Outcomes - a PowerPoint for staff training

How do we develop/enrich learning in our establishments to enhance student outcomes? I delivered this powerpoint as part of a refresher for my staff, to help enrich and develop wider thought on how they can deliver effective lessons that enhance the learning experience for students. This powerpoint is stand alone and can be delivered as part of whole school staff training - no further resources are required.
PSHE/Relationships Education/Life Skills Bundle - Updated for September 2021

PSHE/Relationships Education/Life Skills Bundle - Updated for September 2021

19 Resources
Are you looking to refresh elements of your PSHE/Relationships/Life Skills curriculum in readiness for the start of the new school year. This bundle will provide you with 19 complete modules that I have written and implemented for use in a Whole School Life Skills, PSHE or Relationships Education programs. They are written in lesson plan format and outline step by step the learning activities that need to be delivered. This bundle contains modules that are appropriate for all schools which are linked to expectations for the National Curriculum and National Association for PSHE.
Home/School Agreement Template

Home/School Agreement Template

A template that can be used to help formulate an effective Home/School Agreement between the school, the Parent and the Child; this can be modified to suit a variety of circumstances and be used to outline key areas of improvement that are required by the student involved.
Reset Behaviour Management (updated)- Managing Behaviour in September and Beyond

Reset Behaviour Management (updated)- Managing Behaviour in September and Beyond

I have written the attached guidance in an attempt to support teachers in managing behaviour as more students return in September, many of whom may have remained out of school for months and may find settling back at school problematic. This guidance may be shaped by ongoing health and safety considerations and the Back to School Guidance published on July 3rd, but what it does, is offer a range of tips and strategies to use that may support you and your students into a smoother transition. I would welcome any feedback on this document so that I can adapt and improve it for the many teachers who will need to manage their classrooms with students who may have fallen out of routine.